Excuse me while i have a **moment** I’ve been wanting to take the leap to shoot my first roll of film for a while. Ever since our wedding was shot on film, I have been in love with its subtleties and the way it captures light. When Ty and I decided we would take our honeymoon in Kauai, I knew I had to take the leap and finally shoot my first rolls.  I picked up my first few rolls, packed my hand-me-down Canon Rebel G, and crossed my fingers. It felt like a huge risk to put all my trust in a totally new format, but I knew that if it worked, it would be incredible.

I clearly struck some Hawaiian good luck, because oh my god I can’t believe how much I love these!! I was fairly convinced that i would ruin 80% of my rolls, but I couldn’t be more thrilled that we took the risk with our little hand-me-down camera. I may not have a light meter, and I may not have a Contax, but boy do I have a new love for film.

A 35mm honeymoon



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photography by Kiley Harmon  |  design by Foil & Ink